In this era, where everything is going online and digital, technical know-how of the people is yet another skill that matters the most. When we consider the term “Technical Knowhow”, we need to understand that it is a broader term and includes other aspects as well. One such sub-division or aspect of this term is “Programming” (often referred to as “Coding”)
When we hear the term programming, the first thing that comes to our mind is various languages that are associated with the computer.
However, knowing all the computer languages doesn’t mean one is a good and skilled programmer. Skills and aptitude matter the most in order to become a great programmer. Technically, programmers are those people who have the knack of one or more languages (associated with the computer) and can create successful web applications and similar products.
One need not join professional coaching classes or renowned institutes to learn to code. Since everything is going online these days, programming can be quite easily learned through various websites and now even apps too 🙂 Though, in order to run and execute programmes, you need to have a compiler which is not possible on Android devices.
Keeping in mind, the fact that there is a very limited number of programming apps available for Android that are not very much famous, we have presented below the list of 7 best free programming apps for Android devices that include all the possible programming languages.
In fact, you need not spend a thousand bucks to get a website or webpage to be designed according to your choice or preferences, because now you can do that stuff manually. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? 🙂
1. Learn HTML
To start with programming, the basic and the simplest language that one needs to learn is HTML (hypertext markup language). Learn HTML is a free programming app for Android that is easy to use and comes with ample HTML teaching tutorials to turn a beginner to a pro. Unlike other programming apps, the app comes with interactive HTML courseware.
To brush up user’s skills regularly and occasionally the app comes with numerous inbuilt quizzes and checkpoints. Not only teaching, but the app also lets the users practice their own HTML codes. Moreover, the app has a forum wherein the users can upvote or down vote in various posts. Additionally, the app has an online as well as offline support that can be enabled quite easily.
2. C Programming
C Programming is a free programming app for Android phones and tablets that can help you to learn the mother of all programming languages i.e. “C”. The app comes with chapter wise tutorials starting from beginner’s level to make understanding easier. All the programmes mentioned (for reference) in this app are perfectly working fine.
Since the app does not have the ability to compile and execute programmes, it comes with various illustrations of outputs that have been already tested. Also, if you want to prepare for any related competitive exam, this app can help you as it comes with a list of important and very important questions to prepare you. Lastly, to make understanding even easier, the in-app programmes also have comments within them.
3. Learn PHP
Learn PHP is for those enthusiastic learners who want to master in website development as PHP is the foundation of all dynamic webpages. With this app, the users can easily build their own custom dynamic webpages, develop websites and ultimately generate dynamic content. However, if you already have the knack of HTML, CSS and JavaScript then learning PHP won’t take much time.
Unlike other apps, this app allows users to open files, write content to files; and create various interactive applications like forums, blogs, surveys, picture galleries, etc. One of the most awesome features of this app is that it has made programming easier through its various quizzes and competition among players i.e. learners.
4. Learn Java
Learn Java is one more free programming app for Android phones and tablets that seems to be a good kick start to learn Java. Java is the need of today’s generation due to its versatility. The app comes with various comprehensive tutorials that are very easy to understand.
The learners have full access to 64 lessons to learn object-oriented programming. The tutorials start with easy things – Java basics with a pre-planned teaching pattern to make learning easier. With its interactive learning advantage, the users can make a high score and even unlock new levels.
5. Programming Hub
Programming hub is literally the best free programming app for Android phones and tablets that is different from all the above-mentioned apps when it comes to utility. The app is a multipurpose app that can alone teach users more than 15 programming languages. The package includes – Python, Assembly, HTML, VB.NET, C, C++, C# (pronounced as C sharp), JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, and much more.
The learning process is characterized by examples whose output is clearly illustrated and tested by the expert developers’ team. Considering the importance of practical learning, the app also comes with an online compiler to assist the testing and execution of programmes. Additionally, the app also comes with inbuilt support for wearable devices.
6. Learn SQL
These days, even the simplest log-in and registration websites use SQL for storing Databases. Hence we have brought to you another free programming app for Android devices that can efficiently help you learn SQL (structured query language) efficiently. Once you have learned this language with this app, creating, manipulating and accessing databases won’t take much time.
To make learning an enjoyable experience, the app also comes with a twist with which users can score more XP points and cross levels. The app also facilitates offline learning that can be quite easily enabled from the settings menu. Additionally, users can also highlight the syntax of various codes. The app initially starts with the basics to make it easier to understand.
7. Code with me
Code with me is the most unique and free programming app for Android devices. The app comes with the tutorial facility to learn more than one programming language including – PHP, Arduino, Jquery, etc. Users can easily access offline tutorials as this app firstly synchronizes online tutorials and then make them available offline.
The amazing feature that makes this app stand out of crowd is that in addition to computer programming languages the app also teaches other basics like – WordPress, Android, 8051 Microcontroller and many more to be added in the subsequent updates. As soon as a new tutorial is added or updated, users are promptly notified to download it.
The verdict – best programming apps
All the apps mentioned above can actually help you learn to programme on your Android operating system based smartphone, however, the choice of the preferred app is solely the user’s decision. Each of the apps mentioned above would help you learn any one programming language, though there are a few apps that come fully loaded with tutorials for all the programming language(s).
Even if you are a noob or a beginner, you can actually learn the basic programming languages like HTML, PHP, SQL that are required in almost any of the coding arena – be it designing your own website, webpage or some other useful tool.
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